Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mixed Berries Gratin

Yes more berries - I really like berries and they are in season at the moment. I have been play with pots de cremes for a while now and this even though I call it a gratin, it really is a sort of pots de creme. This one is lighter then the other pots de creme i have made.

Mixed Berries Gratin


1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup creme fraiche - whipped in volume to 1 cup
1/2 cup of raw sugar - plus 2 teaspoons
1 table spoon cornstarch - i know but its quicker then doing i the traditional way
2 table spoons unsalted butter - diced
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 egg yolks
4 cups mixed berries - no strawberries
confectioner sugar


In a small sauce pan bring milk to a boil, remove from stove and set aside.
In another bowl whisk together egg yolks, 1/2 cup of raw sugar and cornstarch until a light yellow color and it starts to thicken. Next very slowly whisk in the hot milk and i mean very slowly you do not want to create scrambled sugared eggs. Once you have whisked in all the milk, pour back into the small sauce pan and return to the stove over medium to low heat and keep whisking until the mixtures is custard like. Remove from stove, whisk in the butter and salt, transfer to a new bowl and place plastic wrap directly on the surface, to prevent a skin from forming when you put it in the fridge to cool.
Pre-heat broiler.
Once the custard has cooled, remove plastic wrap and fold in whipped creme fraiche.
In a bowl toss berries and the 2 teaspoons of raw sugar until coated. Next pour half of the berries into a gratin dish and arrange evenly at the bottom. Spoon in custard and sprinkle the remaining berries on top. Sift confectioners sugar on top and place under the broiler for about 7 to 8 minutes or until bubbling and golden brown. Serve at once.

I have also made this with pears - just dice the pears into small cubes. Apricots are also good and a mixture of raisins and currents with a teaspoon of cinnamon with the 2 teaspoons of raw sugar.

Enjoy cooking

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