Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day one of the journey

Day one of my Blog on The Variations on Cooking; my current agent told i need to start a Blog in order for publishing houses to take my book seriously, thus day one.

This has been a long process, i have gone through 6 rewrites of my book and 5 refocusing of the concept and currently my book is parked with a publisher who told me i need to start a Blog, "All cook book authors have one, and though your creations have a fresh spin, we need to see what the public thinks".

For anyone who finds this Blog stick with me as i go through the learning process of posting a Blog. I hope to have my first picture up with my first set of recipes within the nest few days.

"What is my cooking all about - or its style", i was asked by a publisher last year. I have no real style, it is a blend of all styles of cooking, from Mexican to French, and how to take a simple recipe and by just change one or two ingredients you have a whole new meal.


  1. Hi Andrew,
    I am so excited for you and am eager to follow you on your new blog.

    Good luck,

    Eric Y.

  2. thanks - my agent told me that i need to create one in order to push the book process along - hope you have fun cooking
